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How you can help the animals

Thank you for your support.




Add your organization to our growing list of supporters below or through any contact form on this site. We are collecting a list of those in favor of a fur ban. This public list will be used to voice your support of fur-free policies in your city. 

Submit your business below. Simply add your business or nonprofit name in the message box. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

A fur ban applies only to new sales of animal skins/fur. It does not apply to hunting and pelting, vintage furs, used furs, religious uses, or any maintenance of fur.


Please sign and share if you care about this important issue. Your support is crucial in making change for animals, and it takes about one minute!


You can make a difference and speak up against the inhumane treatment of animals. Please sign to show your support of helping fur-bearing animals. It is unnecessary to use living beings for their fur - we can be warm and fashionable without the suffering of an animal. 

Thank you for caring. Find the petition below or at

How you can help: What We Do
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